Jellybean Accent Rug - Assorted Styles


Jellybean® rugs are bright, colorful and machine washable accent rugs.  Throw your Jellybean® rug in the wash and watch it come out good as new! The beautiful, bright colors were made to last through many, many washes. Jellybean® rugs make great gifts for everyone on your Christmas and birthday lists. 

Machine Washable Indoor and Outdoor Accent Rug

Rug Size 20" x 30"

Rug Content: 100% Polyester 35% Recycled Materials

Farmers Market Pup - showcases a happy dog looking back out of the window of a harvest truck full of pumpkins

Spooky Trailer - features a buffalo plaid accented camper in the woods with a bat and owl under a full moon.

White Magnolia leaves with accents of gray dominate this Jellybean® accent rug design. The lush green leaves and thin brown stems sand out against the sky blue backdrop. 

Sunning Seagulls depicts three gray gulls perched perfectly to capture the rays of the sun.

Always use a liner with your Jellybean rug to provide slip resistance and prevent possible chemical reaction to some manufactured flooring.